6 Easy Fat Burning Food For Women.

Here are  6 easy tips for women fat burn or weight loss

1.Citrus Food:

If you add citrus food to your diet like orange, Lemon and grapefruit etc especially grapefruit have low calories and are antioxidants which helps in your  weight loss.But if you dont have acidity, ulcers then it is good for you to add in your diet. 


If you add wallnuts to you'r diet it will not only help in your weight loss or fat burn but also makes you'r heart health better.


1 cup popcorn contains only 31 calories which will easly give you full fat feeling and helps you in weight loss. You can eat popcorns in snacks but eat those popcorns which have no salt. And popcorns are high in fibres which helps you in weight loss.

4.Whole Grain:

If you want to loss your weight you have to permanently skip white crops from your diet. You have to use whole grain crops like Oats. You can use oats in your breakfast for weight loss.

5.Fish Rich In Omega 3:

As fish is rich in protein. So if you add fish in your supper instead of rice and bread then your weight will be easily lost. And some fish contain omega 3 fatty acids which  helps to melt lipids in your fats.


Beans contain low calories and also plant based protein which helps in your weight loss. You can add red beans or white beans in your diet.

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